
Acupuncture has been used in East Asia for over 2,000 years. The underlying principle of Chinese Medicine is that illness occurs when the body Qi (often described as life force energy) cannot flow freely. Factors such as emotional and physical stress/ injury or poor nutrition can impair the flow of Qi.


As well as alleviating symptoms, acupuncture addresses the root causes of ill health. By inserting ultra-fine sterile needles into specific acu-points, the body's energetic balance is restored and its natural healing response is stimulated. Many people experience a feeling of relaxation during and after treatment.

  • Fertility treatment (IVF support) 
  • Anxiety
  • Back pain (acute and chronic)
  • Knee pain
  • Headache and migraines
  • Musculoskeletal condition 
  • Stress management
  • Morning sickness (antenatal)
  • and much more...

Initial consultation : £105 (60 mins)

Follow up: £85 (45 mins)

Tui Na massage

Tuina is a highly advanced system of massage, forming an important component of Chinese Medicine. Tuina is used for both musculoskeletal and internal conditions such as headache, digestive issue. Techniques involve gentle stimulation of the acu-point and Chinese Medicine meridian channels, which help relived pain and free flow of Qi in the body. The massage is often conducted through light clothing, which the client in lying or sitting position.

  • Back pain
  • Digestive issues 
  • Sciatica
  • Frozen shoulder 


Initial consultation : £100 (60 mins)

Follow up: £90 (45 mins)



Baby/child Tuina initial consultation: £65 (45 mins)

Baby/child Tuina follow up: £55 (30mins)

Facial Rejuvenation Treatments

Facial Acupuncture 




Facial acupuncture a natural, anti-ageing treatment that improves skin tone and leaves the face feeling lifted and toned, it also helps to prevent the formation of wrinkles and minimises the appearance of fine lines by stimulating the flow of blood and Qi to the face, thereby boosting the skin’s supply of nutrients and oxygen.


A course of ten weekly sessions plus ongoing maintenance is required (dependent on severity of concerns). Skin care advice will be given to prolong the results of the treatment.


Not everybody is suitable for cosmetic acupuncture, this will be determined during the initial consultation. Sometimes it is necessary to start with a program of body treatments before beginning a cosmetic acupuncture course.





Initial consultation : £150 (90 mins)

Follow up: £100 (60 mins)





Facial rejuvenation - Phototherapy



This treatment  provides a safe, pain-free way to achieve naturally vibrant and clearer skin. During the treatment the Déesse Pro LED mask will be used. This mask uses low-level light therapy (LLLT) by way of medical-grade, surface-mounted, light emitting diodes (LED’s) to expose the skin to clinically proven wavelengths of light, delivered at safe, therapeutic doses.





Déesse Pro provides energy that cells can use to:

  • Accelerate the production of collagen and elastin
  • Increase cellular permeability, allowing for increased cellular nutrient intake
  • Increase the removal of excess fluid and waste products from the cells
  • Increase the production of macrophage (scavenger) cells for the removal of toxins and scar tissue
  • Increase lymphatic drainage
  • Increase vascularisation (blood flow) to the surface of the skin

The treatment comprises of a refreshing facial cleanse, LED phototherapy followed by a uplifing facial massage.




Initial consultation : £95 (75 mins)

 Follow up: £80 (60 mins)